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Torah Learning at Skokie Valley

At Skokie Valley we strive to provide meaningful learning opportunities to all members of the community through a variety of ongoing classes, visiting scholars and other learning experiences. Throughout the year we offer a range of classes in a traditional learning style, as well as experiential learning through art,movement, and other forms of creative expression. We are blessed to have many talented and passionate teachers in our community, many of whom teach classes for the shul alongside our Spiritual Leadership team. 

Please be in touch with Rabbanit Yael if you have any questions or ideas for upcoming learning opportunities. 

Ongoing Classes 


9 am: Shacharit followed by the Abe Rosenblum Torah Discussion Group led by Dr. Ben Katz. Join in an informal discussion of the previous week's parsha based on questions from those in attendance, along with a light breakfast.  


2 pm: The Book of Exodus with Rav Ari. In person in Israel Hall. 

​​3 pm: Learn Tanach with Project 929 and Skokie Valley, led by Myra Weiss.  Our 929 group is part of a worldwide movement, started in Israel by Rabbi Benny Lau. Participants in 929 dedicate themselves to studying one chapter of Tanach each day, Monday through Thursday, thus completing the 929 chapters that make up the entire Tanach in 3 1/2 years. Our group -- like many others throughout the world -- meets once a week on ZOOM to discuss each week's chapters.  It is never too late to jump on board and share this very exciting and satisfying adventure!!! Zoom: passcode 613

8:00 pm: Weekly Haftorah Discussion with Rabbanit Yael on Zoom. Join Rabbanit Yael to delve into the weekly Haftarah. We will learn more about the sefarim from which we draw the Haftarot, make connections to the weekly Parsha, and explore themes and big ideas. Zoom: passcode 613


7:30 pm: 'Ashreinu!' Likutei Moharan with Yudi (Alan) Sufrin Come learn how Rebbe Nachman’s magnum opus, Likutei Moharan, can revolutionize our lives for the better, בס"ד. It's completely unique in the sea of torah literature — or ANY literature. This chabura is for anyone, but the most is to be gained by those who are open to leaving aside their own preconceptions about Hashem’s world and the roles our holy tzadikim play in it. (Free Hebrew copy of Sefer Likutei Moharan available for those who commit to regular attendance. And maybe also those who just show up!) If you miss a class you can always catch up on Spotify: or Anchor: 

B'nai Mitzvah

Planning a Bar or Bat Mitzvah for your child is an exciting milestone, and it can sometimes feel a little daunting! The team at Skokie Valley is here to help support your child and family in making the journey as meaningful and smooth as possible.  Please read the guide below to get started. 

B'nai Mitzvah Guide

Fri, March 28 2025 28 Adar 5785