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Guidelines for Erev Pesach on Shabbat 2025

This year the eve of Passover (Erev Pesach) coincides with Shabbat. The following procedures should therefore be followed:
Thursday night
The search for chametz takes place on Thursday night (April 10th) as soon as possible after nightfall (8:09 pm this year).  After the search, the normal nullification (bittul) is recited.  (See Artscroll siddur, p. 654.)
Friday Morning
On Friday morning (April 11), we burn the chametz. The burning should be done by 11:22am. We do not recite the final nullification at this time. Although this year chametz may be eaten after the above time, it is still customary to burn the chametz at this time so that in future years one does not get confused about the proper time to burn the chametz.
It is advisable to prepare all Shabbat food with Kosher for Pesach utensils.  However, since one is not allowed to eat matzah on the eve of Pesach, one should make ha-motzi over challah or egg matzah.  If one makes ha-motzi over challah, one should be extremely careful not to let the crumbs of bread come in contact with the Pesach utensils.
Preparations for the Seder should not be done on Shabbat. 
On Shabbat morning (April 12) chametz may be eaten until 10:10 A.M. One should wash and make motzi on Egg Matzah or chametz before this time. One may continue the Shabbat day meal after 10:10 so long as one is not eating chametz.
It is permitted to own chametz until 11:21am on Shabbat (April 12). Accordingly, one should dispose of all leftover chametz (it is not necessary to dispose of egg matzah) before 11:21am. by either flushing the crumbs down the toilet or taking the leftover crumbs to a public garbage.  The final nullification is recited at this time.  (See Artscroll siddur, p. 654.)
Seudah Shlishit can be accomplished either by splitting the morning meal into two (washing, making motzi and doing birkat hamazon twice) or by making seudah shlishit in the early afternoon with vegetables, fruits, meat, fish etc, but without making hamotzi. 


Fri, March 28 2025 28 Adar 5785