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High Holiday Schedule 5784

Social Hall: 8:00am Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur
The Social Hall service will begin at 8:00am and aim to end before 12:00 pm. It will feature beautiful, uplifting tefillot and drashot, as well as a more streamlined structure. There will also be a seating section reserved exclusively for our members who have sat in the Traditional section in the past. 
Sanctuary: 9:00am Rosh Hashanah, 8:30am Yom Kippur
The Sanctuary service will begin at 9:00am on Rosh Hashanah and 8:30am on Yom Kippur, and will feature spirited davening, drashot, and kavanot between sections of Mussaf. This service will aim to end around 1:00pm.
Free and Open Service: 4:00pm Rosh Hashanah Day 1 and Yom Kippur
The Open Service will feature the key mitzvot of the day, highlights of the liturgy, and meaningful discussion in a 1 hour, engaging style. It will take place in the Sanctuary. 
Family Kol Nidrei Service: 6:15-7pm in the Tent 
This family service is geared towards children 10 & under and their grown ups! We will have a short Kol Nidrei service, singing, family learning, and a Yom Kippur story. There is no charge for this service. Stay tuned for details about an optional seudah mafseket for this group that will be from 5:30-6:15. 
Selichot in advance of Rosh Hashanah
Saturday evening, September 9, Musical Selichot: 10:00 pm in the Sanctuary
September 10-15:
Weekday Mincha/Maariv each night at regular times (approximately 15 minutes before Sundown), followed by Selichot 
Rosh Hashanah
Friday, September 15 - Erev Rosh Hashanah
Shacharit & Hatarat Nedarim (annulling vows) 7:00 am 
Mincha/Maariv in Sanctuary: 6:30pm
Candle lighting: 6:41pm
Saturday, September 16 - Rosh Hashanah 
8:00 am in Social Hall
9:00 am in Sanctuary
Open Service: in the Sanctuary 4:00 pm
Mincha/Maariv: 6:35 pm
Candle lighting: 7:41 pm
Sunday, September 17 - Rosh Hashanah 
8:00 am in Social Hall
9:00 am in Sanctuary
Mincha, shiur and then Maariv 6:25 pm
Havdalah: 7:40pm
Aseret Yemei Teshuva (10 Days of Repentance)
Monday, September 18 - Fast of Gedaliah
Fast begins: 5:22 am
Selichot and Shacharit: 6:45 am
Mincha/Maariv: 6:25 pm
Fast concludes: 7:33 pm
Thursday, September 21st
Tot Tashlich: 5:30 pm
Tashlich at the Lake: 6pm 
1647 Sheridan Road
Shabbat Shuva
Saturday, September 23
Shacharit: 9:00 am
Shabbat Shuva Drasha: 5:45pm
Mincha/Seudah Shlishit/Maariv: 6:25 pm
Havdalah: 7:29 pm 
Erev Yom Kippur
Sunday, September 24
Selichot followed Shacharit: 8:30 am
Mincha: 3:00 pm 
Kol Nidrei:  6:20 pm in Social Hall and Sanctuary
Family Kol Nidrei Service: 6:15-7pm in the tent 
Candle lighting (available at shul): 6:25 pm
Yom Kippur
Monday , September 25 - Yom Kippur
8:00 am in Social Hall - Yizkor not Before 10:00am
9:00 am in Sanctuary - Yizkor not Before 11:00am
Open Service with Yizkor: 4:00 pm in Sanctuary
Yom Kippur Meditation: 4:30 pm in Berger Beit Midrash
Mincha: 5:00 pm in Sanctuary
Neilah: 6:15 pm Sanctuary
Havdalah: 7:26 pm
Friday, September 29 - Erev Sukkot 
Shacharit: 7:15 am
Mincha/Maariv:  6:26 pm
Candle lighting: 6:16 pm
Kiddush in your Sukkah after 7:18pm
Shabbat Sukkot, September 30 - Sukkot 
Shacharit and Kohelet: 9:00 am
Mincha/Maariv: 6:10pm
Candle lighting: 7:17 pm
Sunday, October 1 - Sukkot
Shacharit: 9:00 am
Mincha, Shiur and Maariv: 6:25 pm
Havdalah: 7:15 pm
Chol HaMoed (Intermediate Days)
Monday October 2  - Thursday October 5
Shacharit: 7:00 am
Journey to Shelter - Sukkot Mindfulness: 5pm 
Maariv: 6:20 pm
Friday, October 6 - Hoshana Rabba
Shacharit: 6:45 am
Candle lighting: 6:04 pm
Mincha/Maariv: 6:14 pm
Saturday, October 7 - Shemini Atzeret
Shacharit: 9:00 am
Yizkor: Not before 10:30 am
Mincha and Torah Trivia: 6:20 pm
Maariv followed by Hakafot: 7:00pm
Candle lighting and Kiddush (available at shul): 7:05 pm
Tish: 9:30 pm
Sunday, October 8 – Simchat Torah
Shacharit and Hakafot: 9:00 am
Skokie Women’s Tefillah Group: Shacharit, Hakafot and Leining: 9:00 am
Mincha/Shiur/Maariv: 6:15 pm​
Havdalah: 7:03 pm
Wed, January 15 2025 15 Tevet 5785