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Arranging Kaddish for a Loved One
The recitation of Kaddish for a deceased loved one is a sacred, age-old Jewish tradition that evokes our deepest faith and hope. Kaddish is recited for eleven months after the death of a close family member, to mark the first anniversary of death, and each subsequent year on the yahrzeit. There are many profound reasons for why we recite kaddish: historical, mystical, psychological, and more, but fundamentally we say kaddish to provide an aliyah to the neshama–to help the soul come closer to God. Saying Kaddish is a way of showing love and devotion to the family member you have lost.

Kaddish is an obligation for children (for 11 months) and siblings/parents/spouses (for 30 days). When this is not possible, another person can say kaddish on your behalf. A time-honored custom is to donate money to a Jewish institution that promotes Torah learning and prayer and a volunteer from that institution will recite the mourner’s kaddish. When needed, Skokie Valley is available to provide this service. Dedicated shul volunteers or rabbinic leadership will recite kaddish at each service with the name of your loved one in mind, and on yahrzeits we will learn Torah in his or her memory. All funds donated through this program will go towards supporting Torah learning and Jewish ritual.


Fri, March 28 2025 28 Adar 5785